Saturday, September 26, 2009
I won!
I would like to thank Cheryl at The Coolest Mom on the Block, as she recently gave away a subscription to Martha Stewart Living. And I won!! I was so excited when I saw that I had won, I actually did a little happy dance in my bed. I can't wait to get the first issue and get a lot of good ideas and recipes!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Initial Frames!
Chris and I got up super early Saturday morning to go to yard sales. Chris hates going with me, and getting up early, but goes anyway to make me happy. At the first sale we went to, I fould a "Fitz and Floyd" Santa figurine for 2$. Can you believe that? I looked it up online and they are still 48$. This was the best deal of the day!!
I also found these two ugly shadow box frames from the 80's. They were country blue with pink mats, and weren't even open yet. I was so excited to find them and couldn't wait to get them home. I had plans for them already.
Pretty ugly,right?
I started by sanding the frames, painted them in ivory, after they dried I painted around the edges and grooves with some wood finish in dark walnut, and then I distressed them a little.
I ended up painting the mats an eggshell blue spraypaint, which scared me a little bit, but worked out okay. I bought some wood letters and painted them in the stone spraypaint, and then added some Rub-ons on the back mat. ( I don't know what the back is actually called)
I think I am going to hang them over our bed, but not sure yet..I had so much fun making them, I wish I had more!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
A move home!
Chris and I have been spending a lot of time at his parent's house the past two days. His sister Kim is currently staying there and Chris and Kim are like best friends who have been separated for years. We are going back again tomorrow, because they are having a welcome home party for her. Her husband, Brian won't be back until Sunday, as he is currently driving a U-Haul from North Carolina. Kim took Chris and me over to see her new apartment tonight, and while we were there I worked up the nerve to ask her if I could share her story on my blog, which she agreed to, so here goes.....
About three weeks ago, at about ten in the morning while Brian was at work, Kim was sleeping in her apartment when she woke up to her cat standing at her door in full pounce position. Kim said she thought someone was at the door, because her cat apparently does this when someone knocks. She got out of bed and walked around the corner into her living room and there was a man standing in her kitchen. Kim, who was of course shocked, yelled for him to get out of there. This man held her captive for two hours while stabbing her, choking her, and much more. He tried to choke her with her belt and when that didn't work, he went to stabbing her. He stole her wedding rings, her phone, her camera, and a lot more. This man told her as he was leaving that if she had just stayed asleep, he wouldn't have had to do that. Let me tell you how strong Kim is, after this man eventually left, Kim said she was laying there and her thoughts were of her husband and how she didn't want him to come home and find her dead. Kim got out of that bed, climbed down the stairs, and went to her neighbor's apartment to get help. She was flown to a heart clinic, because they thought the stab wound went into her heart. She ended up with a hole in her lung and a cracked breast plate and many scratches.
About three weeks ago, at about ten in the morning while Brian was at work, Kim was sleeping in her apartment when she woke up to her cat standing at her door in full pounce position. Kim said she thought someone was at the door, because her cat apparently does this when someone knocks. She got out of bed and walked around the corner into her living room and there was a man standing in her kitchen. Kim, who was of course shocked, yelled for him to get out of there. This man held her captive for two hours while stabbing her, choking her, and much more. He tried to choke her with her belt and when that didn't work, he went to stabbing her. He stole her wedding rings, her phone, her camera, and a lot more. This man told her as he was leaving that if she had just stayed asleep, he wouldn't have had to do that. Let me tell you how strong Kim is, after this man eventually left, Kim said she was laying there and her thoughts were of her husband and how she didn't want him to come home and find her dead. Kim got out of that bed, climbed down the stairs, and went to her neighbor's apartment to get help. She was flown to a heart clinic, because they thought the stab wound went into her heart. She ended up with a hole in her lung and a cracked breast plate and many scratches.
I could not believe how this man got into her apartment! They lived on the second floor and had a small balcony in the back. This man somehow climbed up the pole to the balcony and got in. Can you believe that? Lock your doors people! This man has not been caught yet. Although,today the detective on her case called and said they knew who he was, had a warrent out for him, and had a witness. Praise the Lord!
Here is a picture of Kim and Brian that I took at their rehearsal dinner last year. Please pray for Kim and Brian and their marriage.
Thanks for listening to me!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Pug Love!
I havn't done anything productive all day. I slept in really, really late. So, since I was so lazy today and didn't do anything, I thought I would post some pictures of my dogs.
This is Chester and he is nine years old. He is completely blind in one eye and almost blind in the other. I have had him since he was a puppy, and he is responsible for starting my love of pugs.This is one of the few pics where Chester's tongue isn't hanging out of his mouth, since it's too long.

This is Waylon,my little cuddle buddy, and he is almost seven. He was meant to be my ex-husband's dog, but has always stuck with me and me alone. I had never seen a black pug before Waylon, and now I think they are beautiful. He is my hyper dog and still acts like a puppy sometimes. Waylon has a fascination with licking. He licks everything including Chester,the couch,the bed, his feet,etc.
Thanks for taking a look !
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Lay-off and Cleaning day!!
Well Chris was laid off today, and normally I would be freaking out a little, going over bills and wanting to know what jobs were coming up. The good news is that he is only laid off for five days. I will be so glad when Chris is done with school and is a Journeyman.
I have been busy today cleaning, doing laundry, and I even cleaned my blinds. I can't believe how much dust accumulates on my blinds. I thought of posting a pic of my blinds, but I would be too embarrassed!
I had to run to wal-mart last night to get a few things, and of course I made a quick pass through the craft department. I found these cute beaded pumpkins for only 1$ a piece. I figured I'd find something to do with them. Right now I just stuck them on a little shelf.
I have been busy today cleaning, doing laundry, and I even cleaned my blinds. I can't believe how much dust accumulates on my blinds. I thought of posting a pic of my blinds, but I would be too embarrassed!
I had to run to wal-mart last night to get a few things, and of course I made a quick pass through the craft department. I found these cute beaded pumpkins for only 1$ a piece. I figured I'd find something to do with them. Right now I just stuck them on a little shelf.
I had to take this pic with my webcam since I can't find my small digital camera, and the power cord broke on my big one.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Fall Decorating
I don't think anyone has actually read my blog yet, but I am continuing on anyway...
I finally finished my chalkboard tray (after two more coats of paint) and I think it is soooo cute. Chris and our roomate, Matt, have already been doodling on it, and to think Chris thought the tray was a waste of money. I've got it on our bed right now, but I'm not sure I like it there.
I have also been decorating a little for fall. I know it's early, but I couldn't wait any longer. I was at JoAnn Fabrics the other day with my mom and I fell in love with this orange star decoration. I bought some cheap flowers and stuck them in it and now I have a cute decoration for my front door.
I had some left over flowers and I wanted some kind of decoration for my deck, so I went rummaging through the recycling bin. Is that crazy?? I had three glass jars from starbucks coffee so I came up with this. I'm not sure if I like them and I'm still debating if they look a little trashy.
I found a cute glass bowl/jar (sorry, I don't know what it's actually called) at a yard sale recently, and I didn't really know what I would do with it, I just knew I loved it. Right now I just stuck a small pumpkin in it that my mom painted years ago. I am hoping to come up with something a little more creative. Any ideas???I also made the Boo can next to it, it's a small coffee can. I just glued some material on, added a ribbon and some scapbooking letters. Cute huh??
Sunday, September 13, 2009
First Blog!!!
This is my first blog and I must say, I am a little nervous. Since I love crafting, I thought I would show you what I've been up to lately. I found this ugly wooden bird, which kind of looks like a dinosaur depending how you look at it, at a yard sale yesterday and decided to paint it using the Krylon stone paint. Well I think it looks a million times better than before. Sorry I didn't take any before pics, but I will in the future.
I also got a small tray yesterday and it had a design that was cute, but it wasn't me. So what to do??? Paint it!! I decided to do the outside in a blue that would match our bedroom and do the inside with chalk paint. I wanted to keep it on our bed to put the remote, pens, etc. in. I thought the chalk board would be fun since Chris and I could leave messages for each other. I still have to do a few touch-ups because the chalk paint leaked through the tape. It isn't really this bright in person.
I know we see a lot of junk at yard sales, and I can usually resist. But yesterday I got
something, and I have no idea what to do with it. I thought it was cute and interesting and I could do something with it, but all I can think of is to have Chris make me a scrapbooking table out of it. Look for yourself and let me know if you have any ideas.
And here's what happened when I was taking the picture..... It fell off the deck. Oh well, I guess I'll break out the wood glue.
I also got a small tray yesterday and it had a design that was cute, but it wasn't me. So what to do??? Paint it!! I decided to do the outside in a blue that would match our bedroom and do the inside with chalk paint. I wanted to keep it on our bed to put the remote, pens, etc. in. I thought the chalk board would be fun since Chris and I could leave messages for each other. I still have to do a few touch-ups because the chalk paint leaked through the tape. It isn't really this bright in person.

I know we see a lot of junk at yard sales, and I can usually resist. But yesterday I got
something, and I have no idea what to do with it. I thought it was cute and interesting and I could do something with it, but all I can think of is to have Chris make me a scrapbooking table out of it. Look for yourself and let me know if you have any ideas.
I think it looks a lot cuter in person and i took the pic with my webcam since I couldn't find my camera so it's not real good quality.
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