Friday, April 30, 2010

Birthday Party

This past weekend Chris and I went to his brother Cameron’s house for his nephew Braxton’s birthday party. Cameron and Elisa have three kids, Brax, Devon, and Brea, and they’re all red headed. I took a lot of pictures, but for some reason most of them came out blurry.


Braxton got a lot of nice gifts and he was very patient and read all of the cards first.


This is Brea right after she woke up, so I couldn’t get her to smile for the camera.


I hope Elissa doesn’t mind, but I had to show you some pics of their house… It’s beautiful.

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These two pictures are when you walk through the front door.


I thought this little thing was so cute. I believe she said she got it at wal-mart a while back.


We got Braxton a small remote controlled helicopter for his birthday. This picture is what happened when he was playing with it and Aunt Kim wasn’t paying attention and it landed near her head and got tangled in her hair.


Brea loves Minnie Mouse and Snow White and Cinderella. She spent a good part of the party playing with her little dolls.


I think we all had a turn playing dolls with her that day. Here is Uncle Charlie taking his turn. I guess she thought he needed to wear Chris’ hat.



We all had our turn with the tiara too!


This one is blurry, but I didn’t get a lot of pictures of Devon.

