Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thank you all for your prayers for Pat and the rest of the family!!

We just got news from Chris' dad and they found out the tumor is cancerous, but it's the slow growing type. The oncologist sounds pretty hopeful that they can kill the cancer with radiation and chemo.

Have any of you been to Hobby Lobby lately??? I made a quick trip the other day, and they are having some really good sales. They have all of their Christmas decor 90% off and their wall decor items were 60% off. I found a few cute things, but I'll have to show you later.

Did you guys watch American Idol last night? I found it really boring and I miss Paula. I didn't understand why Posh was on there, she just sat there for most of the show.

I've got some cute things to show you if I ever get time to take some pictures.


1 comment:

  1. The chemo and radiation should take care of it since it's in the first stage...I will be praying for Pat.

    Hobby Lobby still has some Christmas stuff? WOW!!

