Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pug Love!

I havn't done anything productive all day. I slept in really, really late. So, since I was so lazy today and didn't do anything, I thought I would post some pictures of my dogs.
This is Chester and he is nine years old. He is completely blind in one eye and almost blind in the other. I have had him since he was a puppy, and he is responsible for starting my love of pugs.This is one of the few pics where Chester's tongue isn't hanging out of his mouth, since it's too long.
This is Waylon,my little cuddle buddy, and he is almost seven. He was meant to be my ex-husband's dog, but has always stuck with me and me alone. I had never seen a black pug before Waylon, and now I think they are beautiful. He is my hyper dog and still acts like a puppy sometimes. Waylon has a fascination with licking. He licks everything including Chester,the couch,the bed, his feet,etc.
Thanks for taking a look !


  1. Hi Janna--Waylon is so adorable! Your blog background is so cute for fall--I look forward to reading your blog!
