Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bringing the Outdoors IN!

Chris and I decided not to get a real tree this year because a) I think 60$ for a tree you'll use once is too expensive and b) because I don't want to mess with the mess this year. I do miss the smell and the texture that comes with a real tree... I decided to bring in the texture at least by trimming a few branches of our local trees and arranging them in different ways. I LOVE them and can't wait to bring in more.

This is one of the wall baskets I got for free at a yard sale.

So Cute!!


I also brought in some holly branch

  I just stuck them in a cute little vase.

  This helped fill the void of not having a real tree this year and brought in some cute decorations.



  1. The holly and the branches look very festive--what a great idea to mix some real branches into vases, I might try that because we have a fake tree too. I miss the smell of a real tree, but a fake tree is so easy to put up and take down and cheap :)!

  2. Love your Christmas decorations! How cute!!! I miss the smell of a real tree too but I too hate the mess!!

  3. It's unreal how just a little bit of the outdoors makes or homes soooo PRETTY...your home looks GREAT!

